Kieran’s Warriors 2nd Ball donations

Kieran’s Warriors 2nd Ball donations

Delighted that the evening sold out straight away. Craig and Charlie are supporting the fantastic endeavours of Senga Chrighton who is organising the event, to help raise funds for these two tremendous charities who support children with cancer.

Her son Kieran in 2018 when he was 12, was diagnosed with a Metastic meddulloblastoma brain tumour, Kieran then developed Posterior Fossa Syndrome after having the brain tumour removed.

He and family have since had incredible support from the charities on the road to recovery.

Money raised is going to Calum’s Cabin and Teenage Cancer Trust.

Donations can be made to:

Account 90014926
Sort Code 80-65-22

Ref K Crighton Ball

The Proclaimers – Remaining August/September UK Shows cancelled.

The Proclaimers – Remaining August/September UK Shows cancelled.

Sadly with Charlie having just suffered voice loss linked to having a perforated eardrum, it has been further diagnosed that he cannot perform over the next few weeks and accordingly The Proclaimers have had to cancel their following performances.

16 Belfast Custom House Square
18 Swansea Arena
20 Beautiful Days Escot Park Devon
25 Towersey Festival
26 Taunton, Live In Somerset
27 Sunshine Festival Worcestershire 

01 Bury Head For The Hills Festival
02 Tunbridge Wells Assembly Hall Theatre
03 Moseley Folk Festival, Birmingham

Charlie adds “I’m very sorry that I can’t play these shows and thank everyone for all the fantastic support over this tour.”

These were the final dates of the Dentures Out tour that began in June 2022 and had seen 96 shows so far on that run.