Mary’s Meals – Malawi Children Sing ‘I’m Gonna Be’

Mary’s Meals – Malawi Children Sing ‘I’m Gonna Be’

Happy St Andrew’s Day!  Here is a fantastic clip from wonderful singers at the Jacaranda School in Malawi.  

The children at the Jacaranda School receive a nutritious daily meal every school day from Mary’s Meals. They welcomed visitors from the Scottish-based charity this year, when a group of children gathered together and burst into song – the first was ‘One Cup of Porridge’ which they had written about Mary’s Meals, and the second was ‘I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)’. They sang the whole song, word perfect, the link below shows the last minute of the children singing the chorus.

Mary’s Meals reaches more than 1.2 million impoverished children in 15 countries. By providing meals in a place of education, Mary’s Meals encourages chronically hungry children to the classroom, where they can gain an education to help lift them out of poverty.

It costs just £13.90 to feed a child for a whole school year through Mary’s Meals – and, this year donations will reach even more hungry children because the charity is running a match-funding appeal. Donations to the Mary’s Meals Double The Love campaign before 31 December 2017 will be matched, pound for pound, by three amazing donors, up to a total of £1.9 million.

Picture Copyright Chris Watt 07887 554 193